Juliette Tworsey

A collection of 15 posts

Merge Sort Example in Javascript

Merge Sort Example in Javascript

A Divide and Conquer Sorting AlgorithmO(n log n) - Linearithmic time What is O(n log n)? O(n log n) is a Log-linear algorithm with a complexity rank of  close to fair, which works by merging two functions,…

Steps to Back Up an ETCD Cluster

Steps to Back Up an ETCD Cluster

Here are a few steps to simplify backing up an ETCD Cluster: # create an alias: alias k=kubectl # Note: I in this case ETCD is running as a pod on the Master/Controlplane node. To verify that ETCD is running…

A few helpful Git Commands

A few helpful Git Commands

H/T Katacoda It's Monday and what is a better day and time to refresh (and share) some useful Git commands. Viewing commit logs There is the useful git log, which is great for viewing commit logs along with the…