Juliette Tworsey

A collection of 15 posts

Kubernetes Aliases

Kubernetes Aliases

I've been spending quite a bit of time studying the concepts of Kubernetes and container orchestration lately, which means that I have been spending a lot of time typing out various commands in the terminal. One thing that is helping…

Docker CLI Aliases

Docker CLI Aliases

- Hat tip to Bret Fisher for the awesome tip(s)! I love working in the shell. With that said, less typing === happier hands + time saved, which in turn === a happier developer! Here are just a few example aliases to…

Embed MongoDB Charts Update

Embed MongoDB Charts Update

This is an update to my January post on MongoDB Charts. The good news is that MongoDB Charts is now out of beta, making it easier than ever for developers to embed data visualizations into their applications. I received an…

My Trip to MongoDB World 18

My Trip to MongoDB World 18

Hello MongoDB, Hello World! A little over a week ago. I set out on a brief trip to NYC, not as a musician (for those who don't know me, music has been my quest and passion for many years), but…